
Do-In during full moon

The nice thing about Do-In teaching is that you can respond to absolutely anything with your lesson. For example, you can create a lesson that matches the full moon. How? In this blog, I'll give you 2 tips.

I regularly hear people complain that they have slept less well, "probably because of the full moon". That is possible. The full moon has an energetic effect on us: not only is the moon full, but we are also supposedly a bit "fuller" during the week around the full moon. Thus there can be an accumulation of fluid, and also the life force energy and the energy of the Blood are all more abundant. In short, there is an abundance of vitality in ourselves and our environment. How nice would it be if we could store some of that energy and save it for later? This improves your night's sleep and that abundance remains present for you.

tip 1: Let the yang energy flow at a full moon, we have already noticed that the energy is in abundance. This means that it is a relative yang phase of the month. By means of exercises that support circulation, you prevent obstructions so your life force energy continues to flow. This helps to channel the energy present and prevents tension. Movements that you can think of are the spinal roll (see pictures below), the Do-In sun salutation (see my YouTube video), tapping along the meridians, twists or various dynamic exercises. After these exercises, integrate calm exercises that stretch the meridians, such as the Makko-Ho series (I also made a YouTube video of this and of course wrote a book about it). For instruction on tapping, search my YouTube channel DO-In Academy - Lilian Kluivers: Do-In, tapping along the meridians.

tip 2: Connect head, heart and hara. In the head, heart and hara (abdomen) there are three powerful energy centres that we call the tan-den (dantien/dantian/tantien are other names that are also commonly used). These energy centres help to make available or store the different types of our life force jing, ki and when. You can easily support these centres in the following way: Successively give gentle acupressure for about a minute on Governor vessel 24.5 (between the eyebrows, see yin-yang image in the photo below), Conception vessel 17 (the sternum, on nipple line) and Conception vessel 4 to with 6 (place the fingertips of one hand in a vertical line in a row below the navel). A meditation that you can do after this is generally described: Bring your attention to the centre of your head, experience the silence here. Bring your attention to the centre of your heart, experience the space here. Bring your attention to the centre of your hara, experience the power here. Feel the connection between these three centers.

You can integrate these tips in any way you like in your Do-In classes. Have fun!

PS. Do you find it difficult to make Do-In lessons yourself? And do you like to go in-depth with Do-In, I love to welcome you to Do-In Academy!