
Do-In Breathing Exercises - Part 2: The Slow Breath; Shisoku

At Do-In you can do different breathing exercises. These support your energy flow in different ways. Hereby part 2: The Slow Breath. Perform this breathing exercise in a sitting or lying position.

The slow breath; Shisoku

Exhale completely. Breathe in through your nose for about 8 counts. Focus this inhale on your chest so that your chest bulges. Hold your breath for as long as is comfortable and push your diaphragm down, your abdomen is now expanding. Focus on the tan-den: the energy point in the middle of your lower abdomen. Engage your pelvic floor and anus. Exhale very slowly. Repeat 5 times.

This breath relaxes the chest, strengthens the energy in the abdomen and clears the mind. Several internal parts of meridians begin in your chest, most notably the fire meridians (Heart, Small Intestine, Heart Protector, Triple Warmer). These internal pathways are intended to channel tension from the Heart downward. The Heart is seen as emperor(ess). The Emperor(ess) functions best in a peaceful and relaxed environment. That is why these four meridians have balance in the Heart as their primary task. The Heart's energy is also connected to your consciousness. You may also feel that your mind is clearing through this exercise.