
How do you connect the energy of a year with your Do-In practice?

I find astrology fascinating and calculate every year what the energy will be for the year, I prefer to use the Japanese system, the Nine Star Ki.

This year, until the beginning of February 2023, the energy is in the House of Earth 5. That is the middle number of the 9 numbers that play a role in Nine Star Ki. With this, you can also see Earth 5 as the centre of a seesaw or scale. There is a point of balance, but there are also extremes. This year is potentially a year of extremes, creation, but also destruction and above all, the need to find the middle ground so that the right choices can be made. Destruction does not have to be destructive when this force is directed at patterns that no longer serve us or the world.

What can you do with this now in Do-In? I'll give you two examples for inspiration.

First of all, you can repeat movements 5 times. 5 is seen in many numerological systems as a number that brings balance. For example, do 5 squats, as shown in the images below. Or twist 5 times to both sides. Many Do-In exercises lend themselves to dynamic performance and you will notice that the five repetitions provide a certain amount of rest.

In addition, you can consciously integrate many exercises for the Earth element and the Stomach and Spleen meridians. These strengthen our centre, which we need this year. The image accompanying this piece shows how you can stroke your heel over your lower leg to massage the Stomach Meridian. This exercise calms you down and strengthens your digestion. When you are pregnant, massage only the lower half of your lower leg with this technique.
